Building New Revenue Streams
Sinapses - Making Connections sm is an international strategic business consulting and services provider specialized in alliances and professional management practices. A key differentiator is our ability to plan strategically and also follow through with execution, based on the clients’ needs.
Typical results from our services include the creation of new revenue sources, which may happen through the expansion into new geographies, establishment of indirect sales channels, and improved delivery efficiencies with cost reductions and rationalization of the value chain.
Alliances comprise several forms of partnerships, from marketing and R&D agreements in the upper portions of the value chain to VAR's and resellers at the end of the chain. Sinapses helps clients in determining which type of partnership is better suited for them and their goals. It develops a joint strategic plan and pursue its execution.
Professional Services Management of organizations utilize a structured framework of processes, people, tools and templates to deliver superior customer services. When properly deployed, delivery practices, PMO's and other support groups add value to clients and become a revenue source as well. Sinapses helps clients in designing and implementing professional service organizations, using best practices in processes and tools.
A Federated Business Model
Sinapses was designed to produce the highest possible value to its clients, leveraging principles of classical administration theory, strategy, Lean and Six Sigma. Whatever does not add value is waste and clients should not suffer the burden of unnecessary costs. While companies like Nike and Dell have deployed a similar concept in the manufacturing world, Sinapses took it one step further in the services arena. For example, we do not have an HR function, not even outsourced!
Sinapses leverages one of its main line of services - alliances - to source only the necessary and specific processes of its operational chain (such as, site hosting, accounting, legal, and some administrative tasks). Similarly, we look at the geography, industry and area of expertise required by our clients to build the best and unique client team on-demand, leveraging our global connections.
The result is a company that is extremely nimble, flexible and lean. Core competencies in strategy, marketing, alliances, project management and processes are maintained by our associates, with all other aspects supported by partners - a truly federated services company!
© 2002-2007 Sinapses - All rights reserved